Poudre de Sidr - Breiz Henné

Sidr powder - Ziziphus Phitofilos

8,49 € tax incl.

Sidr powder is ideal for washing your hair naturally and in No-Poo (no-shampoo: without shampoo) optics. Associated with natural henna or indigo, it helps to fix the color and prevents it from disgorging. It is also beneficial for skin problems.

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Description of the Sidr powder

Sidr's bark powder is used in an Ayurvedic tradition. The Sidr, also known as Jujube, allows you to do hair care.

The Sidr brings a lot of benefits: rich in saponins, this vegetable ingredient is excellent for washing the hair. It can therefore replace the shampoo. It makes the hair soft, without necessarily using a conditioner or hair mask.

Rich in mucilage and astringent, the care powder Sidr is very effective for sensitive scalps and will help fight against dandruff, bring volume to the hair and beautify hair color or not.
It can be used alone as a mixture with other preparations.

Sidr powder can also be beneficial for skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, eczema ... Moreover, it soothes and soothes the itching.


For what type of hair ?

Sidr Care Powder works on all types of hair, but is especially recommended for treating dandruff hair, colored hair and sensitive scalp hair. To reduce the itchy scalp and irritation, Sidr powder is perfect.

Washing the hair with this powder then leave a mask on wet hair helps promote hair growth. This powder is used as a mask for hair or shampoo, alone, but also with other vegetable powders (rosemary powder, amla powder ...) or with coloring powders such as henna to fix the color and prevent it do not disgorge.



Advice for using this Natural Powder of Sidr

- Mix sidr powder with hot water, possibly adding other vegetable hair care powders, vegetable oils or cosmetic active ingredients, then apply to wet hair and leave for several hours before rinsing.

- When planting henna, it is possible to add sidr powder to the mixture to fix the color and prevent it from disgorging.



Composition of the Sidr powder

Ziziphus jujuba




100 gr

Reviews (1)

Poudre de Sidr

Ce n'est pas la poudre d'écorce mais la poudre de feuilles de Sidr qui sont séchées avant d'être broyées et moulues pour les transformer en poudre fine. Il ne faut pas l'associer au henné car elle contient de la saponinine c'est comme un schampoing, donc laisser agir le henné quelques heures pour que la couleur prenne bien puis le rincer et appliquer le Sidr ( poudre mélangée avec de l'eau tiède) laisser agir seulement 10 ou 15 minutes cela suffit . Vous verrez le résultat après avoir sécher vos cheveux ils seront brillants et souples.

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